Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Final Tally

We have been keeping a close tally on all the British mammal species for which we have seen either the animal themselves, field signs of, or heard on a bat detector, so here is our final tally:

1. Badger; 2. Woodmouse; 3. Muntjac Deer; 4. Fox; 5. Mole; 6. Water vole; 7. Field vole; 8. Roe Deer; 9. Otter; 10. Hedgehog; 11. Common pipistrelle bat; 11. Soprano pipistrelle bat; 13. Brown long-eared bat; 14. Noctule bat; 15. Leislers bat; 16. Serotine bat; 17. Rabbit; 18. Brown rat; 19. Grey seal; 20. Greater horseshoe bat; 21. Grey squirrel; 22. Bank vole; 23. Brown hare; 24. Harvest mouse; 25. Common shrew; 26. Dormouse; 27. Pygmy shrew

Personally I'm hugely proud of that record with two young children and hopefully we can reach our target for fundraising on behalf of the Mammal Society. If nothing else, it's given them something to focus on over the past few months and perhaps given, at least Turtle, a small insight into the work their mum does!

If you are interested in supporting Turtle & Seahorse, and through them the Mammal Society please click here for our fundraising page - thank you.

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